Navegar por los elementos (28 total)

Martin Meschede; Udo Barckhausen, The relationship of the Cocos and Carnegie ridges: age constraints from paleogeographic reconstructions

The relationship of the Cocos and Carnegie ridges age constraints from paleogeographic reconstructions.pdf

Martin Meschede; Udo Barckhausen, The relationship of the Cocos and Carnegie ridges: age constraints from paleogeographic reconstructions

Paleogeographic restorations for the oceanic crust formed by the Cocos-Nacza spreading center and its precursors were performed to reconstruct the…

Giorgio De La Torre, The Crustal Structure of Carnegie Ridge Inferred from Gravity and Seismic Data

The Crustal Structure of Carnegie Ridge Inferred from Gravity and Seismic Data.pdf

Giorgio De La Torre, The Crustal Structure of Carnegie Ridge Inferred from Gravity and Seismic Data

A Thesis by GIORGIO DE LA TORRE Submitted to the Office of Graduate Studies of Texas A&M University in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the…

KAREN s. HARPP; VIRGINIA D. WANLESS; ROBERT H. OTTO; KAJ HOERNLE; REINHARD WERNER., The Cocos and Carnegie Aseismic Ridges a Trace Element Record of Long-term Plume-Spreading Center Interaction

The Cocos and Carnegie Aseismic Ridges a Trace Element Record of Long-term Plume-Spreading Center Interaction.pdf

KAREN s. HARPP; VIRGINIA D. WANLESS; ROBERT H. OTTO; KAJ HOERNLE; REINHARD WERNER., The Cocos and Carnegie Aseismic Ridges a Trace Element Record of Long-term Plume-Spreading Center Interaction

The aseismic Cocos and Carnegie Ridges, two prominent bathymetric featues in the Eastern Pacific, record 20 Myr of interaction between lhe Galapagos…

RICHARD HEY, Tectonic Evolution Cocos Nazca Spreading Center

Tectonic Evolution Cocos Nazca Spreading Center.pdf

RICHARD HEY, Tectonic Evolution Cocos Nazca Spreading Center

Magnetic and bathymetric data from the easrern Pacific have been analyzed and a model for the evolution of the Galapagos region developed. The…

Peter Lonsdale; Kim D. Klitgord, Structure and Tectonic History Eastern Panama Basin

Structure and Tectonic History Eastern Panama Basin.pdf

Peter Lonsdale; Kim D. Klitgord, Structure and Tectonic History Eastern Panama Basin

New marine geophysical data allow the preparation of revised barhymerrfc and magnetic anomaly chans of the Panama Basin and Jemonstrate rhat the…

Valenti Sallares; Philippe Charvis; Ernst R. Flueh; Joerg Bialas., Seismic Structure of Cocos and Malpelo Volcanic Ridges

Seismic Structure of Cocos and Malpelo Volcanic Ridges.pdf

Valenti Sallares; Philippe Charvis; Ernst R. Flueh; Joerg Bialas., Seismic Structure of Cocos and Malpelo Volcanic Ridges

The Cocos and Malpelo Volcanic Ridges are blocks of thickened oceanic crust thought to be the result of the interaction between the Galapagos hotspot…

Nelson A. Pazmiño Manrique, Sediment Distribution and Depositional Processes on the Carnegie Ridge

Sediment Distribution and Depositional Processes on the Carnegie Ridge.pdf

Nelson A. Pazmiño Manrique, Sediment Distribution and Depositional Processes on the Carnegie Ridge

A Thesis by NELSON A. PAZMIÑO MANRIQUE Submitted to the Office of Graduate Studies of Texas A&M University in partial fulfillment of the requirements…

Secretaría Técnica de la CNDM, Resumen de los Estados de Soberanía y Derechos de Soberanía en las Zonas Marítimas definidas en la Convemar

Resumen de los Estados de Soberanía y Derechos de Soberanía en las Zonas Marítimas definidas en la Convemar.pdf

Secretaría Técnica de la CNDM, Resumen de los Estados de Soberanía y Derechos de Soberanía en las Zonas Marítimas definidas en la Convemar

Cuadro resumen de los Estados de Soberanía y Derechos de Soberanía en las Zonas Marítimas definidas en la Convemar

Comandancia General de la Armada, Resolución de Comando creando el Repositorio Digital de la Memoria Histórica Marítima del Ecuador

Resolución de Comando creando el Repositorio Digital de la Memoria Histórica Marítima del Ecuador.PDF

Comandancia General de la Armada, Resolución de Comando creando el Repositorio Digital de la Memoria Histórica Marítima del Ecuador

creación del REPOSITORIO DIGITAL DE LA MEMORIA HISTÓRICA MARiTIMA DEL ECUADOR, con el objeto de, recuperar y conservar el patrimonio cultural…

Armada del Ecuador, Radiogramas Conflicto 1981

Radiogramas Conflicto 1981.pdf

Armada del Ecuador, Radiogramas Conflicto 1981

Mensajes navales enviados y recibidos durante el conflicto armada con el Perú en 1981

Formatos de Salida

atom, dcmes-xml, json, omeka-xml, rss2